Friday, April 17, 2009

The L.A. Zoo footage finally uploaded!!

Here you go folks, us at the LA county Zoo in March.

Love, Amy and Galen

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Eater Egg Hunt

Happy Belated Easter Everyone!

So the Easter bunny arrived in the afternoon for Galen, while he napped. As you can see in the first video, Galen was not impressed that the Easter bunny came and was more concerned with his beauty sleep! But once he learned that candy was involved, well, we had a whole new outlook on the situation!

Catching Up

Well it's been a while since I blogged for Galen; life has been hectic. At the end of March, Galen and I drove to southern California to Marci's (Aunie Boo) house. My folks and my brother, sister-in-law and niece all joined us at Marci's house. There are several videos of that weekend posted below. We went t0 the park, the L.A. Zoo and the Train Museum (we were thinking of you Grandpa Bob!), we even got to ride the train! Even though we did alot, it was really relaxing for me. Pehaps it was the wine...

Mom came back with me and Galen for an extended visit in Flagtaff. It was so nice. My stress levels were the lowest in a year at least. The visit was wonderful and Galen and mom really bonded. Mom met Fred and helped me celebrate his 42nd birthday in early April. We showed the video you see below at his party at the Wine Loft (his shop/bar). Mom helped me make a cherry tart and it turned out tasty and hearty!

So Galen has started a new pre-school. It's a Montessori school on the east side of Flagstaff. Because it is so far from both home and work, I'll probably be moving from my little house in the woods to be closer to his school. Right now we travel 40 miles/day round trip! That's alot for me; I'm used to less than half that/day. The school is great and Galen is still adjusting to the new routine. It'll take some time, but we'll grow from it for sure.

Had trouble downloading the zoo footage; I will add that later. Keep an eye out for the Easter posting...coming soon!