Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our New House and Christmas Cheer!

So much has happened since Galen's birthday. We took a trip to the L.A. area to see Marci and we also got to see Ben, Karen and Kaitlyn. Here are a few photos.

Well it only took a week but me and Galen are all moved into our new home. We are living with my friend Katie, who is another single mom of a 15-year-old named Eric. The house is huge, esp. for me! It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, a huge kitchen, a storage room and a sunroom. Galen does laps between the 2 living rooms. Here's some footage of the home* with Galen playing in the snow too.

*WARNING: Watching this video may cause flashbacks from the 60's and/or dizziness as nothing coordinates, there's red and gold bordello wallpaper, red, black, orange and yellow casino-style carpet in one room with dusty rose tile on the countertops and red shag carpeting in another room.

Ya baby, red shag

Casino carpet with dusty-rose tile counter

Bordello wallpaper in the entryway

The front of our house

Even Galen thought his gas was bad...

Galen's super-secret hiding place

Katie lookin' right-fine

At Thanskgiving

Milkshake madness took him down

This photo makes him look gigantic! No more baby here.

So right after Thanksgiving, we had an epic snow storm. It was classified as a blizzard! We got 3 feet of snow at our house and the footage of Galen in the snow up above was when we had received only a foot. Here are some pics of that craziness.

Slackin' on the job

Modelling the new snow pants

After the mountain gets snow and the sky is clear, the mountain glows just after sunset.

As you all know, I don't really do the Christmas card thing mostly due to time constraints. But this year I discovered a new media for which to send a Christmas greeting. So here's a video card starring me, Galen my folks and Ben. I can't wait to see you all.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Galen's 4th Birthday and other Silliness


Well the young master had his 4th birthday a couple of days ago. We celebrated with some of his friends last Saturday. It was a blast. I have a recap of the festivites.

I sort of felt like we had been taken over by a band of
midget pirates (lost boys version) after all was said and done...

The "Dr. Seuss" Birthday Cake (not intended but tasty anyhow)

Cake Carnage

Birthday Haircut

Random Silliness
So last week, after my court date, I had my "court" shoes out. Galen put them on to discover that these shoes made a loud clacking noise on the floor. This is Galen clacking and being silly with my shoes.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Happy Halloween everyone! This is Galen's 4th Halloween but it was his first to celebrate the day with getting into costume and trick-or-treating. I decided to get dressed up too since it had been so long since I got into costume and also so Galen would understand the concept better. He was leary of the whole thing at first and didn't even want to go! But we started at a friend's house and after a couple more haunts at houses, Galen became a pro.

Later we went downtown where a Halloween fun fair was underway. We took a train ride with some other ghoulish beings. And as we drove home, my little cowboy crashed. I think I have a fan of Halloween in Galen from now on...

Galen wanted a bat-pumpkin

"The Monster Mash" Starring Galen as the mad scientist, Karen as Frankenstein, Amy as the Bride of Franknstein, Kaitlyn as the Wolfman and Ben as Count Dracula

More silliness in his "Monster in Training" Halloween shirt

In costume

Galen chose for me to be a witch


He was so out that he slept from car to bed!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Walking Around the Changing Aspen Trees

Yesterday Galen and I checked out the aspen trees before they dropped all of their leaves. It was nice to get out of the house for a few hours. There's a whole lotta video here so you may want to pop some corn, sit back and enjoy the show.

Love Amy and Galen