Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm melting...what a world, what a world...

So I know I haven't posted in a while. I'm still getting over this persistent bug with a hacking cough and early last week Galen got it. Poor little guy. His runny nose is almost better but now he has the cough. His energy is back up and for the last 2 days, he's been making us imaginary cookies. Not just cookies however, BIG, HOT COOKIES! As he likes to put it. He found the cookie cutters and he plays "making cookies" constantly.

Last week he was playing "making pizza". He was using his transformer that a friend gave him as the pizza. He put it in the oven and we both forgot about it. On Tuesday, I turned on the oven to bake a lasagna and then came the first it was curious, like "hummm, I wonder what that smell is?...and then wow, that strange smell is getting stronger...and then I realized that the smell was coming from the oven. I opened it up and there was a very warped and melting transformer. I caught it in time though and was able to take in out before the oven got wrecked. So I got him a new transformer and learned a lesson, always check inside the oven for toys before ignition, lest there be a casualty. Three year olds keep you on your toes for sure.

So sorry there are no new photos or film, life's been busy wth a sick kid, getting better myself and interviewing new baby sitters. 'll get some new pictures soon. We wish you all well and love you.

Love, Amy and Galen