Galen's blog is a celebration of his accomplishments and growth. I think if Larry could see the first video, he would be smiling. Galen had his first school performance ever to celebrate the end of his summer pre-school. All summer the children in his class have been learning about camping, hiking, leave-no-trace outdoor ethics, animals and songs/poems about the great outdoors. All the kids practiced various songs and poems to share with their parents in an end-of-the-school performance. I was so excited; my first school performance! A milestone in any parent's life. The children came out and while the music started and everyone began singing, Galen proceeded to growl and make faces at the audience. I was surprised to say the least and a touched embarrassed and then I thought how funny it was and in the grand scheme of life's events, it was minor thing and humorous at that! The performance was about 30 minutes long and I narrowed the footage to about 9 1/2 minutes, so I know it seems a little long but I did cut it down to the best faces and growls.
The other video is just some cuteness on Galen's part last Friday night.
These last photos are just some random cute shots I've taken in the last couple of weeks.
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