Monday, January 11, 2010

Adventures in SnowShoeing

About a week ago, I picked up a pair of snowshoes for Galen. We like going for walks and he can walk 2 miles now. I love snowshoeing and really have not been able to do it for years because Galen was too small to do it on his own but too big for me to carry (snowshoeing is hard enough, one does not need an extra person to haul around). I was nervous because Galen can be sometimes difficult to convince to try new things. He took to it like a fish to water! We snowshoed for an hour and a half. We began in our front yard and then crossed the street, said hello to Sierra at her resting place and trekked around the forest for a while. Of course he took spills and whinned a little when he did fall but there were no tears, no melt-downs and he esp. loved it when I taught him how to get up because Mommy had to fake fall in the snow to show him how. Fake falling then became the greatest thing. When we were coming back home, I asked him what he wanted for lunch and he said "eggs! lots of eggs!" (this is what I usually want after a long snowshoe day). Galen is so adorable and surprising.