Galen and I "camped out" on Friday night outside the front of our house. He has never camped before and he's getting old enough now where I want to start taking him on little camping trips. He's never slept in a tent and a sleeping bag so I thought we would do a trial run to see if he liked it...and now I wonder why I ever thought he might not. He wanted to do everything and he was squealing with joy the whole time. I wish I started camping with him ages ago. The timing was good too because at summer pre-school, last week and this week coming, the kids are learning about camping and the outdoors. Here are some photos of our excursion.
So all this was practice for more camping in August and September. We got a bigger tent that has 2 rooms so that we are all in the same tent, just in separate areas. There are lots of beautiful areas near here so I think we'll do some real camping in a couple of weeks. More squeals of joy to come I hope and next time I'll be ready with the video camera so you can see it in all its glory!!