Well as usual, life's been busy. At the end of May I went to Nashville for a training with DMORT. My friends Allison and Marci took turns watching Galen with help from Fred while I had to be away. I feel blessed to have such wonderful people in my life who also help out with Galen. In Nashville, I was staying next to the Grand Ole Opry and Steve Martin was billed to play bluegrass so of course I went and it was great! Here's a picture of Steve! (Taken from nose-bleed seats which is why it's so granular looking-the camera was on super zoom).

After I returned I took the following footage of my liitle hero slaying imaginary rats!
Later,in June, Fred and I had a 12-day holiday. We went to Canyonlands N.P. in Utah, relaxed and hiked around and then eastward to the San Juan Mountain range to Telluride, Colorado for the bluegrass festival. We saw some amazing performances. Here are some of the photos from the trip.
We did this trip without Galen. My folks (2 more people I'm blessed with in my life) came to Flagstaff and watched Galen for the entire time. And to boot, their time with Galen began with a night of Galen being the most sick to his stomach I have ever experienced. It made for an extremely worrisome start to my trip in 2-fold; I was worried about Galen and then feeling guilty about leaving my folks with a puky child. But Galen pulled through and the next day he was tired and done with the crummies.
My folks took some really cute photos of Galen while they were staying with him so I thought I would share those photos with ya'll. Check out the little kid he's become-no more toddler/baby!
My folks took some really cute photos of Galen while they were staying with him so I thought I would share those photos with ya'll. Check out the little kid he's become-no more toddler/baby!